The Sims 4: High School Years is geared towards teen Sims and introduces concepts like prom, Afterschool sports, and get-togethers. There are fun activities, interactions, and milestones dedicated to enriching Sims' stories and memories. Teen gameplay, in particular, has expanded a significant amount with DLC, such as the High School Years and Growing Together Expansions and the Parenthood Game pack. Updated June 24, 2023, by Taylor Pittman: The Sims 4 encourages players to experience life's triumphs and challenges throughout different age ranges. However, having friends isn't the only thing needed to sneak out. One of these rabbit holes is the ability to sneak out. After forming friendships, the game introduces new interactions and rabbit holes. Whether Sims are adding others on Social Bunny, the popular social network in the game, or joining school clubs and sports teams, there are many ways to meet other teens. To enjoy all the gameplay in High School Years, making teen friends is a big part of the new expansion pack. Related: Everything Included in The Sims 4’s High School Years Update If players want to explore their mischievous side, here's how to sneak out with friends in The Sims 4: High School Years. In addition, teens can now post on social media, pull pranks at school, or even sneak out.

Players can experiment with teen lifestyles and have the overachiever or rebels. Teens have been revamped and brought to life with The Sims 4: High School Years expansion pack.